Case Study

Bike Rental App

Project Overview

Our Bike Rental App is a mobile application that allows users to rent bicycles from a variety of rental locations in their area. The app will include a map feature that displays the available rental locations, along with the types of bicycles available and their hourly or daily rental rates.

Users can select a rental location, reserve a bike, and then unlock the bike using a code or QR code provided by the app.

Some of the app feature are:
Let’s get started.
Defining the project

We begin by entering our project’s general information.  We choose a Name, give a Project description (You can enter a brief description or write a longer document using the text editor, depending on your needs), define the Type of Project (in this case - Mobile App), and finally indicate if we are starting from scratch or modifying an existing product.

Now that we´ve created our project...
Project List

Once we create a new project, we can access it on the Project List screen.  Every project that we create is accessible from this list. Here we can monitor credits used and project status.

The best is yet to come...
Project Workspace (Design View)

It´s time to add the Features and Components for our project. Features are the “tools” within the app that will allow the user to complete their goals. We listed our Bike App features above -  such as Bike Rental Booking, Payment Integration, and Sign Up. Each feature should be focused to satisfy a single objective.  Components give functionality and design to a Feature.  We cover them in more detail below.

We can add features and components by dragging and dropping them into the project workspace.
Our first feature is Sign Up.  A good description is important to communicate our goals.
Time to add components...
Project Workspace (Design View)

Now that we´ve added our first feature, we fill it with all the necessary components for the Sign Up Feature to function. Let’s start with our user interface and add a Screen/View/Page Component.

We add a new component into our feature the same way we add a feature, using drag and drop. Click on the edit icon (or double click the component box) to edit component properties.  We talk more about properties below.
Types of components

Components allow you to specify functionality and design in a feature.  For each feature, you will want to add any user screens, libraries, database tables, api interactions, or webhooks that may be needed to support that feature.  If you have existing products you want your Elite Team to use, such as a third party API, add it as an Existing Component.  If you want your Elite Team to develop a new API, for example, add the API component.  For documents, links, files, and exisiting products that apply across the entire project, use the Project Summary component.

Project Summary
Use this component to upload project wide design, data, and project managment files and links. We support Figma, Adobe XD, Jira and most database design tools. Then as you flesh out your project’s features, you can specify details via the components below.
UI/UX Design
If you need help with a UI/UX Design, add it here and give us a description of what you need with any notes you may have.
Use the Screen/View/Page component to indicate all user interfaces.  Upload design details for each Screen/View/Page individually OR use the Project Summary Component to upload a project wide design document.
If you need us to build the database for you project, add this component.  If you have an existing database you want us to use, add it with the Existing Database Component.
Do you need an interface for other applications to interact with your software?  Build a webhook here.  If you have an existing webhook you want us to incorporate, add it with the Existing Webhook Component.
Do you need to create reusable software to share with other parts of your organization or business partners?  Request it here. If you want to use an existing product, then add that in the Existing Library/SDK Component.
If you need your team to develop either and internal or external API, enter it here.  If you have and existing API you want us to use, add it as an Existing API component.
External Components
Already started working?  Great!  Upload/Link to your various entities (Database, API, Library, Source Code, and/or Webhook).  And let us know how you want us to use them.
Adding properties to components
Properties Box

One of the great features of EliteTeams, is that you can customize each component by adding Properties. Properties are the details that give your team their starting point to create all the awesome features for your project.  If you don’t have many properties to add, that’s OK!  We can work with you to expand your project’s plan.

To learn more about properties, click on a component type and then flip through each property to see a description.

We add a new component into our feature the same way we add a feature, using drag and drop. Click on the edit icon (or double click the component box) to edit component properties.
We talk more about properties below.
Jira Issues
Do you manage your project with Jira?  If so, you can give us access here.
Share your project documentation here.  We support all the major document types.
Design Links
If you have an Adobe XD or Figma account you wish to share, give us the link here.
Design Files
Share your design files here.  We support all the major vector and rastor file types.
Supporting Files
Use this area to upload SQL files, API files, and Source Files depending on the type of component you have selected.
Supporting Links
Use this area to enter Database Credentials, API links, API Credentials, and Git Repository links depending on the type of component you have selected.
Is there someone else in your organization who needs to add information? Provide their contact information here.
Platform Integrations
Design Workflow

We want to make it easy for you to communicate with your Elite Team.  So, that is why we support a variety of platforms, such as: Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch, Jira,, and we´ll be adding a lot more.

Setting Up More Features...

For the Bike Rental App we´ve added more features into our project.  On the right side of the screen, you can see a list of all the features and components.  When you select a component, you will see the property details for that component below.The more detailed you can be when you enter your project requirements, the more efficiently your team can work.  However, the best part about EliteTeams is our flexibility. You only need one component to start a project and get your team working.  You can define the project as your team is working on an intial feature.  Or you can upload project wide specs and use our staff to define the project for you.

It´s time for a team to start working on the project...
Assigning a Team

Once we have defined our project for our Bike Rental App, we need to create and assign a team.  We can do this one of two ways. We can click on the Assign Team button at the top of the Project Workspace. If we already have a team created we can assign it to the project.  If we don’t have a team, we will be asked to create one.  The second way to create a team is via the menu bar on the left.  Simply select the Team Workspace icon.

Gathering a Team
Team Workspace

Building the perfect team for your project is not difficult.  You will automatically have a Project Manager and a QA Engineer assigned.  The Project Manager will be the link between you and your Elite team to communicate your expectations.  The QA Engineer will make sure that every task meets acceptable quality levels.  All you need to do is assign engineers for the specific tasks you defined in your project.

We can name our team as well.  Access all the teams created by selecting the team icon on the side bar menu on the left.
We add team members the same way we added features, drag and drop into the team workspace.
Let’s Get to Work!
Our team is complete and ready to work on our project.

The team for the Bike Rental App is set up and assigned to our project.  Our last step is to set our project status to Ready For Work and add some credits to our account.  Once in production, you will have full access to your project where you can track tasks and milestones.